
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Music was always important to me growing up. I wanted to learn to read music and can remember playing Christmas carols with my grandmother at the piano as a little kid. My parents were high-school sweethearts in band, and always spoke fondly of the fun they had with their friends at football games and contests. I joined band in middle school and stayed in it throughout highschool. I made some of my very best friends in band, studied under amazing teachers, and was so proud of the music we were making. It was fun to play new pieces and try new genres. I was never the most disciplined practicer, but I loved the satisfaction of accomplishment- finally performing that hard piece after months of hard work. When it came time for college, I decided I’d major in music education, to teach or conduct as my career. 

However, my experience in university music was nothing like I hoped it would be. People in the music program were not just there for fun and camaraderie. For many, it was about perfection and competition- achieving excellence and being better than everyone else. In order to keep up, I simply didn’t have time for anything else- including God. And the only way I could temporarily escape the stress of my studies was to party. 

I set myself on a spiral that led me farther away from God. By my sophomore year, I found myself anxious, depressed, and in an abusive relationship. I couldn’t go party anymore, and my music friends didn’t really know what to do with me. When I suggested that I change my major, I received huge backlash from my professors. I didn’t know what else I would study or do for a career, but I knew this wasn’t sustainable. At last, when I needed Him most, I had a personal encounter with God that set me again on the path of following Him. I decided to leave the music program and start a completely new chapter. 

When I left music, it was out of hurt: hurt from friends, professors, but most of all, the hurt I did to myself by setting up an idol in front of God. I was ashamed and still bruised. I put away all my instruments and promised that I would never play again. I completely buried that part of my story. I didn’t play any music for several years, and did a pretty good job of forgetting.

It wasn’t until I got to the race and started sharing the full version of my testimony that I realized how much hurt and bitterness was still buried with music. My friends were understandably surprised to hear about my music background, but when they suggested that God might redeem it, I immediately shut it down. Throughout the race, as I continued to share my testimony, friends continued to prophesy that God would redeem music- not as a career or personal accolade, but as a form of worship for Him. I always brushed it off. 

Now, we are in the final stretch of our race. A few weeks ago, I was prompted by God to ask, “what more do you have for me on this journey?” This dangerous question led me back to music, and again I wanted to dismiss it. Why? I have experienced an immense amount of growth and freedom on this trip- I’ve learned so much about God, discovered my true identity in Him, and conquered so many lies I used to live by. Why didn’t I want to give Him this part of me? It wasn’t until my friend prayed, “Lord let us all be leaders of worship,” that I reluctantly agreed to obey and trust Him. 

In this season of the race, I am discovering how much I truly love the Lord. I want Him to receive the glory and worship He deserves. He is perfect, so holy, and absolutely good, and He deserves every word, every step, every breath. So surprise: I AM PLAYING MUSIC AGAIN! I’ve borrowed my friend’s guitar and am relearning how to play. It’s hard and scary, but I have seen so much fruit from my small faith. God hasn’t given music back exactly as it was before- it’s completely different this time around. I never used to use music to praise God, but now, that’s the only reason I play. It’s not about me, it’s only about bringing a offering to my Father. I am free to make a mistake, because I am playing for an audience of one! I don’t desire to be better than anyone, and I don’t even need to be “good.” I just want my Jesus to receive the full reward for His suffering! 

There is nothing that God doesn’t want to heal, redeem, or restore to us. He is always calling us to go deeper with Him, from one glory to another. But we get in the way. We ignore God’s promises and disobey His calls to trust. We cover our brokenness and bury bad memories in order to feel better. We trust our doubt instead of the God of the universe. Our weak faith prevents us from receiving the full freedom and joy He wants for us! 

Are you satisfied with where you are, or do you want more from God? 

Are you willing to uncover past hurt for the sake of greater freedom and healing?

Are you willing to ask the dangerous question, “what more do you have from me?” and obey whatever He says? 


11 responses to “(re)discovering a heart of worship”

  1. Mary—- WOW! I had no idea! Music has carried my through it all. It was my ‘Minor’ in my undergrad. (I teach private lessons in Flute) I’m soooo glad God brought this part of your life back! What a struggle and shame on those who influenced you negatively! It’s a gift, an honor and YES a form of worship to our creator! Praise Him for this journey back to Music— even if He took you to the ‘other ends of the Earth’ on this RACE to do so!
    Thank you so much for sharing this! What a great example of how ‘other people’ turn us away from what God has planned for us all along! I’m so HAPPY you are back!

  2. This is beautiful and I am so glad you shared. I remember your Mom shared a condensed version of this story when you changed majors and said you felt like you were letting people down because you were always ‘Mary – the music kid’ but what always came to my mind when I thought of and think of you has been ‘Mary – the faith filled kid.’ I am so proud of you and while I know you are having the time of your life I can not wait to see you and throw down a Phase 10 ‘SKIP’ on ya! Enjoy yourself and know that you are loved and missed but filling all of us with such pride.

    Love you!
    Aunt Camille

  3. Yesss Mary! Loved reading this. When I met you in BUGWB I knew that you knew God and were a vessel of his love to people. I Love this new work God is doing in you and the deep healing, AND I want you to know those years were NOT wasted either. God was using you in Band even if you didn’t feel it or know it. Thankful for your brave yes to Him in all things; glory to glory sister! Praying for even more freedom and revelation of Him and that he will give you new songs to sing!

  4. Thank you for sharing this, Mary! I didn’t know about that struggle! We have to give light to the hidden places so that people see God’s true power.

  5. “Are you willing to uncover past hurt for the sake of greater freedom and healing?”
    Hello??? This is so good!!!
    I’m SO proud of you, it’s been beautiful to see you walk into more and more freedom this year!! You are never satisfied and your hunger for God is taking you into deeper levels of intimacy with Him. It’s amazing to see..
    Your story will bring freedom to others. It’s not about us.. it’s all about Him!! He is the reason you play!!

  6. Great word Mary.

    You are living in God’s world God’s way.

    Your high/full redemption story reminds me of Ruddy Little David, who said ,”watch me dance even more undignified than this.”
    He such a good good father who is so committed to us, so thorough, so intent on conforming us into the image of himself, that he redeems with the locusts have eaten and what others have meant for evil he turns around and uses it for good.
    As you said Mary, he’s taking you from glory to glory, faith to faith, strength and strength, grace to grace…
    Proud of you for the US in your spirit to now pick up the guitar and play for an audience of one. He’s looking for worshipers will worship him in spirit and in truth and I know he just found another one :-).
    Great share Mary

  7. MARRRY!!! This is so so good! Thank you for being brave and sharing the whole story and the beautiful redemption path God is walking you down. It is such a pleasure getting to worship with you! Love you!

  8. This is so good!!

    I love how you are already seeing the fruit from your obedience and faith. Your testimony is one of REDEMPTION and I know that by sharing this, others will be encouraged of how the Lord will redeem their own stories, too!