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Tomorrow morning I leave for launch. TOMORROW MORNING I LEAVE FOR LAUNCH! I can’t believe that it’s finally here! I will leave tomorrow and (with God’s provision and protection) I will not be back for 11 months! For the past few weeks of Christmas and New Years, the pile of gear and clothes in my room remained untouched, because I knew packing was going to be a mess. And it WAS! Through a few tears, I packed and unpacked and repacked my backpack and I was barely able to get everything to fit. I double-checked my packing list last night and realized I was missing a skirt. I almost fell apart! After an unsuccessful Target-run, we got home to see an Amazon package waiting on our porch. Inside was a skirt that my mom ordered a while back, but it gets even better! The seller accidently sent her a duplicate of the same skirt in a size that fit me perfectly. In an instant my problem was solved- and I realized something. Packing for any trip is such a sham! I tricked myself into thinking that I could ensure my comfort by what I pack, which is why I almost became unhinged when something went wrong. In reality, I have zero control over what happens on this trip- regardless of what I bring or leave behind. That skirt from Amazon was such a tender wake up call. ONLY God is in control. He will be near me and He will provide for me- I just need more trust in times of discomfort. I think back to how He has been guiding me to this moment- how He has protected the trip despite COVID, how He has blessed my trip fundraising, and how He has organized all the small pieces of preparation. I can’t take any credit and I can’t help but feel like a small child following the Father! I am surrendering my comfort (SCARY!) and my control (SCARIER!) and will trust my Father to take care of me. 

All that is to say, I am THRILLED to begin my adventure with I-Squad! On Monday we will launch to Guatemala and are uncertain of how long we will be staying. I feel truly covered in prayer and encouragement and am so thankful for all of you who have connected with my journey! I truly couldn’t be here without you! Please continue to stay in touch- I will miss you all and am SO excited to share what happens this year! Make sure you are subscribed for update notifications! Talk soon 🙂


4 responses to “God gave me a skirt: Packing & Goodbyes”

  1. Mary I look forward to hearing more through your blogs. I am so excited for you the I-Squad. God’s grace has you and your team covered. Love, laugh, and grow. God has so much in store for you all. Look forward to the next 11 months of updates.

  2. God bless you Mary! Super excited for you! We will pray for you daily!! Can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned! Safe travels sweetie!

  3. Excited to hear your positive comments. God has you covered! Praying for you and your team.