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First run in Chichicastenango- here’s how it went! 

If you know me, you know I love to run- it has been a big part of my life for quite some time. It helps me stay strong and in shape, but it means much more to me than just that. It’s an emotional outlet for me to process things and release negativity. The adrenaline and endorphins help me feel refreshed and light. It’s a time to appreciate my body and the temple God created- how He took the time to make legs to move, lungs to breathe, and a heart to pump. Running makes me feel like me. Going into the race, I thought running was the one thing I could count on- after all, I don’t need a gym or any special equipment to do it. And yet this month, running has been pretty difficult. Funny how God doesn’t conform to my expectations. 

This week, God showed me a lot about pruning. In John 15, Jesus says, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” God is a gardener- He wants to bring forth life and growth. He wants to rear a beautiful creation that bears fruit- what I was created to do. Out of love for the creation, the gardener refines it by cutting away and cutting back that which hinders its growth, so that it will be even more beautiful. 

When I crave a run, I wrestle with God and am frustrated- why would He want to take this good thing away from me? If what the Bible says is true- God loves me and wants me to look more and more like Him, which means He is in the business of giving abundant life, not taking away things I love. I’ve been able to run twice since being here, and they have been absolutely AMAZING. Maybe God isn’t cutting away that entire branch, but maybe He is “cutting back,” snipping away some of my dead leaves. I hear Him whispering to me,” Mary, are you going to let me take care of your body? Are you going to let me refresh your mind? Does your life revolve around running, or me?” I pray that God will never completely remove running from my life, but I have been challenged to wonder, would I still love Him if He does?”

If you know me, you know I love to run, but I am learning not to need to. 

6 responses to “I don’t need to run”

  1. Love this! Love seeing/hearing you in this journey! Love that you were creative and found a way to get your ‘run’ in…. looks like all of you were so ready to get this ‘groove’ back! Keep sharing videos! Love it! Hugs and prayers!!

  2. Thank you, Mary, for your transparency. God wants to be our all! He is also in the business of transforming our hearts. I pray that you are always as open as this to God’s plan throughout this journey. You encourage me to do the same. I love you my sweet girl!

  3. Grateful for your opportunity to run around the school. Creative and blessed! When we welcome the pruning process so much growth happens! Praying for you Mary!

  4. What a great reminder that while having hobbies and enthusiasms is good, there is a line where they take the place of God, and we should be careful to maintain proper perspective. Your words inspire introspection.

  5. Hey Mary,
    What a pure and super cool video/blog !
    Jn 15 Pruning, cutting back, making space and room for more life, thriving/flourishing growth and eternal fruit- you nailed it Mary! After a marathon in HI, some 10k’s and mini tri’s, and then getting a Defribulator, Welcome to the new normal and all the good things He did and worked in it and through it to my advantage!
    I doubt He’s taking your running away, atleast not totally 😉 ,but laying it all down and relinquishing at the feet of jesus, definitely puts us in the winners circle.

    Tks Mary, keep the videos comin haha

  6. Mary,
    Your message and openness about not getting to the one thing that refreshes you was so “on point” for me today! Its hard to let go and let God take over and you are a shining example of how to live your life for God. Thank you for sharing your journey. Blessings as you continue to travel and spread God’s love to others.